Playing Whack-a-Mole with all your operational supply chain problems?

You don’t need a bigger hammer.

Predict in advance where
the moles will appear.

Here’s what really matters

Forget all the noise about AI and predictive workflows. (Yeah, we’ve got that stuff.)

Do you want
a spec sheet?
Or a solution?

Our customers love us because we solve their problems and make them more money. Not because we spout techno-babble at them.

Case Studies


Reduce Lost Sales through Efficient
Logistics Operations

Sales and Logistics Operations teams—both benefited from OpsVeda live Ship Plan and Replenishment solution. Lost Sales opportunities are easily identified and adjustments made proactively.


Managing Warehouse Dispatches to
Minimize Production Idle Time

Sales and Logistics Operations teams—both benefited from OpsVeda live Ship Plan and Replenishment solution. Lost Sales opportunities are easily identified and adjustments
made proactively.

Client Testimonials


OpsVeda has been a huge win for R+F. It is central to our efficient order management and fulfilment process. The real-time operations visibility helps us stay on top of our new web-based e-commerce solution.

Neil Calderon
Director, Supply Chain Infrastructure (R+F)

Actionable intelligence enables speed of execution and helps translate opportunities into results — identify slow moving inventory, narrow down prospective buyers, and prescribe profitable price points. It is a sharp tool for a team operating under tremendous pressure to achieve goals.

Business Analysis Group

Sales and Logistics Operations teams both benefited from OpsVeda. Lost opportunities are easily identified, and adjustments made proactively. For example, the solution provides proactive guidance on transfer stock opportunities to the logistics team. And sales team can better forecast and fill gaps.

Gregory Solomon
CEO — Case Logistics (3PL)

We want our production lines to run 24x7 but it can go idle for reasons outside [of our] control. With OpsVeda, our planners are able to foresee idle time instances so the reasons that were beyond their control are within their control now!

Global Director
IT Business Applications

Customer Reviews


The solution provides visibility across
process steps, leading to reduced lead
times and increased savings.


The Revenue Risk Management solution delivers insight based on demand, supply and available inventory.


Brings together data from diverse sources
to provide visibility into manufacturing, quality and lot traceability processes.


The OpsVeda platform leverages machine-learning and advanced analytics to analyze operational data in real-time, identify potential opportunities, and recommend preventive or corrective actions.


OpsVeda Manufacturing Intelligence alerts managers to likely disruptions on the shop-floor.


OpsVeda will identify exceptions and provide individuals with prioritized tasks and insight on when it is best to expedite inbound/outbound shipments.